Viewing Human Services Articles 25-032 Resolution to Adopt By-Laws for the Ingham County Materials Management Planning Committee 25-033 Resolution Honoring Theresa Buycks 25-034 Resolution Honoring Tracey Hood, Medical Assistant I 25-035 Resolution Honoring Valorie Hunnicutt 25-036 Resolution to Authorize Use of Contingency Funds for Establishing Office Space for the Ingham County Office of Environmental Sustainability 25-037 Resolution to Authorize a Contract with the Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties for Health Services Millage Eligible Services 25-038 Resolution to Amend Resolution #24 - 018 to Authorize a Contract Amendment with the Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Counties for Health Services Millage Eligible Services 25-039 Resolution to Authorize an Amendment to Resolution #23-575 for the Health Services Millage Contract with the Ingham Health Plan Corporation 25-040 Resolution to Authorize the Environmental Sustainability Director to Sign State Grant Reports for Received State Grants 25-041 Resolution to Amend Resoltuion #24-409 Accepting the Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements at Potter Park Zoo Grant from Representative Elissa Slotkin’s Community Project Funding Program 25-042 Resolution to Authorize the Adoption of the Ingham County Health Department’s Plan of Organization 25-043 Resolution to Authorize Agreements for the Region 7 Perinatal Quality Collaborative 25-044 Resolution to Amend Resolution #17-163 with Azara Healthcare and Michigan Primary Care Association to Purchase Social Determinants of Health and Cancer Screening Customization, Mapping, and Validation Services 25-045 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Michigan Primary Care Association for Covid-19 Services 25-046 Resolution to Accept Funds from and Enter into an Agreement with Michigan Public Health Institute 25-047 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Public Sector Consultants 25-068 Resolution to Authorize a Purchase Order for Food Service Items from Gordon Food Service 25-069 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy for FY2024-2025 25-085 Resolution to Create a Part-Time Program Specialist Position 25-086 Resolution to Create a Special Part-Time Program Specialist Position 25-087 Resolution to Authorize the Submission of the Ingham County Materials Management Plan Work Program to the State of Michigan 25-088 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with 7C Lingo for Interpretation and Translation Services 25-089 Resolution to Accept a Wellbeing Grant from the Michigan Association for Local Public Health 25-090 Resolution to Accept an Opioid Crisis Response Funding Award and Authorize a Subaward Agreement and Business Associate Agreement with Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties 25-091 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Passageways, Inc. 25-092 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with UnoDeuce Multimedia for the Region 7 Perinatal Quality Collaborative 25-093 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with University of Michigan-Sparrow for the Region 7 Perinatal Collaborative 25-094 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement Renewal with Epividian for HIV Disease Management 25-095 Resolution to Amend Resolution #24-543 Authorizing with Mid-State Health Network 24-015 Resolution Honoring Tricia Ware ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 101 102 ›