Articles 24-487 Resolution to Amend Resolution #24-005 Approving the Policies and Procedures for Affordable Housing Development Gap Subsidy Grants for New Construction and Rehab Projects Utilizing Housing Trust Fund Dollars 24-486 Resolution to Rescind Resolution #24 – 474 and Authorize a Lease Agreement with Eyde Knapp Development, LLC for Temporary Public Defender’s Office Space at 300 South Washington Square, Suite 315 24-485 Resolution Honoring the Lansing Church of God in Christ on the Event of Their 100th Anniversary 24-484 Resolution Designating October as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” in Ingham County 24-483 Resolution to Authorize One Radio Tower Lease Termination and Two Radio Tower Lease Extensions with SBA Structures, LLC 24-482 Resolution for the Acceptance of the Michigan Drug Court Grant Program for the Ingham County Family Treatment Court 24-481 Resolution to Accept the FY 2025 Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program Grant, Continue the Grant Funded Case Management Coordinator Position, and Authorize Subcontracts with Northwest Initiative; CEI-CMH; RISE; AVERHEALTH; and JSG 24-480 Resolution to Accept the FY 2025 Michigan Mental Health Court Program Grant, Continue the Grant Funded Full-Time Mental Health Court-Court Services Coordinator Position, and Authorize Subcontracts with CMHA/CEI; Averhealth; JSG; MDOC; Northwest Initiative; and RISE 24-479 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Nurse Family Partnership National Service Office 24-478 Resolution to Amend Resolution #24-414 with LTS Staffing Services 24-477 Resolution to Amend Resolution #24-411 to Accept the FY 2024-2025 AmeriCorps State Grant Funding 24-476 Resolution to Authorize a Contingency Fund Appropriation for the Repair of the Hawk Island Splash Pad 24-475 Resolution to Authorize a Lease Agreement with Regus for Temporary Public Defender’s Office Space at 120 North Washington Square, Suite 300 24-474 Resolution to Authorize a Purchase Order with M & M Moving and Storage for the Temporary Relocation and Storage of the Office of the Public Defender 24-473 Resolution to Accept the MITTEN Grant Award from the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office Contingent Upon National Telecommunication and Information Administration Approval and Authorize Ingham County to Serve as Host Partner for an American Connection Corps Member 24-472 Resolution to Amend Resolution #22-053 to Change the Expiration Date of the COVID-19 Related Sick Leave Policy 24-471 Resolution to Establish Interagency Agreements to Obligate ARPA Funds by December 31, 2024 24-470 Resolution to Rescind Resolution #24-264 and to Authorize an Agreement with Billy White Roofing, Inc. to Replace the Roof at the Ingham County Family Center 24-469 Resolution to Rescind Resolution #24-263 and to Authorize an Agreement with Billy White Roofing, Inc. to Replace the Roof at the Ingham County Drain Commissioner’s Office 24-468 Resolution to Approve Funding Through the Housing Trust Fund to Establish a Tenant Resource Center with Unobligated ARPA Funds 24-467 Resolution to Authorize Acceptance of $15,000,000 of State of Michigan Appropriations for the Housing Trust Fund to Allocate to Eligible Programs and Projects 24-466 Resolution to Accept the Recommendation of the Ingham County Health Care Coalition for Employee Benefits for 2025 and Authorizing Letters of Agreement with Bargaining Units 24-465 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Michigan Public Health Institute to Provide a Year Three Evaluation of the Lansing/Ingham Peace Maker Fellowship® and to Provide Year Three Fiduciary Services for Peacemaker Fellowship® LIFEMAP 24-464 Resolution to Accept the Child and Parent Legal Representation Grant from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 24-463 Resolution to Authorize an Addendum to the Agreement Between the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office and Prosecution by Karpel to Add an Interface For E-Warrant 24-462 Resolution to Amend Resolutions #22-271, #23-244, and #24-069 to Reflect Changes in Pay Scale for the Grant Funded, Special Part-Time Pretrial Services Investigator 24-461 Resolution to Authorize a Grant Between the State of Michigan, Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC), Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and Ingham County to Provide Funding to Assist the County in Complying with the Compliance Plan and Cost Analysis Approved by MIDC and Creating Seven New Grant Funded Positions 24-460 Resolution to Activate Position #22917 (Paralegal) and Authorize the Creation of Two Additional Paralegal Positions within the Prosecutor’s Office 24-459 Resolution to Authorize Amendment #4 to the 2023 – 2024 Master Agreement with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for the Delivery of Public Health Services Under the Master Agreement 24-458 Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with Optum Pharmacy 702, LLC for Participation in the 340B Drug Discount Program ‹ 1 2 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 356 357 ›