Viewing County Attorney Articles 04-227 Continue AAll Children Connected to Succeed@ Initiative 04-227 04-231 Amend Medical Services Agreement with Ingham Health Plan to Assist Hospitals 04-244 Authorize Addition to Crest View Horse Tack Shop 04-246 Authorize Installment Purchase Agreement with Trane 04-247 Resolution to Purchase a Backup Generator to Support Servers Located at the Hilliard Building 04-254 Authorize Agreement to Provide Additional Educational and Technical Assistance to Residents on Management/Control of Emerald Ash Borer 04-255 Authorize Amendment to CPBC with Michigan Department of Community Health. 04-256 Amend Refugee Assistance Program Contract with MFIA 04-257 Authorize Grant Contract with Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 04-263 Authorize Lease with BW & L for Communication Tower 04-272 Authorize Participation in Amicus Brief: Ann Arbor School District 04-274 Amend Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract with US HUD 04-281 Authorize Agreement to Carry Out Mobile Home Park Inspection Program 04-306 4C Agreement with Family Independence Agency 04-309 Authorize Change Order #2 with M/A Com 04-310 Authorize Contract with Lansing for New Trunked Logging Recorder 04-311 Authorize Contract with Lansing for a CAD M/A Com Interface 04-312 Authorize Change Order #3 with M/A Com 04-313 Property in Meridian Township for Sanitary Sewer Line 04-320 MI Supreme Court: 55th District Court/Drug Court 04-322 Authorize Reduced Contract with MDOC for Probation Residential Services 04-323 Amend Compensation Amount to Veterinarians for Sale of Dog Licenses 04-324 SRC Management: One Year Agreement to Facilitate Data Sharing 04-325 Lansing Police Department: One Year Agreement to Facilitate Data Sharing. 04-330 Michigan Primary Care Association: Financial Support of Otto Health Center Clinic 04-332 Michigan Primary Care Association: Financial Support of Willow Community Health Center 04-342 Managerial Confidential Employee Personnel Policy 04-351 Resolution Authorizing an Appropriation from the Women's Commission Budget and Contract with Ballentine Stepping Stones Catholic Social Services of Lansing/St. Vincent Home, Inc. and the Girls Scouts of Michigan Capital Council for Community Services 04-353 Resolution to Extend the Cooperative Operational Agreement with the Ingham Community Health Center Board 04-356 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a State Court Administrators Office Grant tothe Friend of the Court for the Access and Visitation Program ‹ 1 2 3 4 ›