Viewing Parks Department Articles 05-003 Transfer Used Ski Equipment to Meridian Township and Beekman Center 05-004 Authorize Adjustment to Parks Department Seasonal Employee Wage Schedule 05-005 ABC Beverage Management: Vending Services for County Park System. 05-030 Authorize Construction of Irrigation Well at Hawk Island County Park 05-063 Transfer Funds from ADA Playground Construction to Boardwalk Construction Line Item 05-074 Contract with BFI for Dumpster Service 05-091 Dyer Well Drilling: Irrigation Well at Hawk Island County Park 05-093 Establish Parks and Recreation Commission (Rescinds 97-44, 97-103, 97-106, 97-152) 05-124 Establish Areas of Priority Emphasis for 2006 Activities and Budget Process 05-137 Recognize Historical Commission and Centennial Subcommittee 05-139 Authorize MDNR Grant to Develop Spray Water Park at Hawk Island 05-154 City of Lansing : Maintenance/Operation of Pathway through Grant Woods Park 05-179 Special Assessment Roll for Lake Lansing Lake Level Special Assessment District 05-235 Architectural/Engineering Services for a Splash Playground at Hawk Island County Park 05-236 Convey Easement to Meridian Township to Construct a Pedestrian Pathway at Lake Lansing Park 05-237 J & L Roofing Company for Replacement Roof at Ingham County Correctional Facility 05-260 Support Establishing of the Heart of Michigan Trails and Greenways Partnership 05-295 Amend Resolution #05-093 Establishing Parks and Recreation Commission. 05-340 Authorize Transfer of Funds for Construction of Potter Park to River Trail South. 04-157 Amend 2001 Parks Facility Master Plan 04-158 Accept Donation for Estate of Albert White 04-171 Authorize Funds for Survey Costs for Lake Lansing Trail 04-190 Apply for Department of Natural Resources Community Forestry Grants 04-212 Support Amendments to Proposed House Bill 5906 Regarding Certification of Park Police Officers 04-248 Contract with Pepsi Bottling Group 04-249 Authorize Purchase of Additional Passenger Van for Jail Alternative Sentencing Program 04-267 Honoring Volunteers Who Built the Hawk Island Playground 04-289 Authorize Transfer of Monies from Parks Department to Fund Supervision of FOC Jail Alternative Sentencing Program 04-366 Authorize Transfer of Funds to Purchase Used Backhoe 03-007 Adopt Adjustment to Seasonal Employee's Wage Schedule ‹ 1 2 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ›