Viewing Law Enforcement Articles 11-353 Authorizing the Ingham County Sheriff's Office to Transfer the Assignment of Granted Easement and The Sale of existing Radio Tower to the Ingham County Road Commission 11-354 To Acept the Michigan State Police 2011 Hazard Mitigation Grant & Enter into Subcontract with the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan 11-355 Enter into a Contract with the City of Lansing and Program Funds 11-356 Authorizing Entering into a Subcontract with Northwest Initiative for Day Reporting Program Services for FY 2011-2012 11-357 Making Appointments to the Animal Control Shelter Advisory Committee 11-361 Approving Various Contracts for the 2012 Budget Year 11-365 Authorize an Amendment to the Administrative Services Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield For Services at the Ingham County Jail 11-371 Authorizing Participation with the Meridian Township Police Department Highway Safety Grant 11-372 Authorizing the Appointment of the Media Representative to the Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Corrections Advisory Board 11-400 Recognize Ingham County as a "Storm Ready County" 11-401 Honoring Deputy James Borseth for his 25 Dedicated years of service to the Ingham County Sheriff's Office 11-402 Authorize the Ingham County Sheriff's Office to accept the FY 2011 SCAAP Grant 11-403 Enter into a Contract with LRAD Corporation Utilizing the FY2009 Homeland Security Grant Program Funds 11-404 Authorize the purchase of Microwave Equipment from AT&T for the New Ingham County 911 PSAP 10-030 Accept 42" Flat Screen TV from Nick Nedow Family 10-031 Homeland Security: Core Technology for Sharing of Law Enforcement Data 10-032 Authorize New Status Control Panel for East Lansing 911 Center 10-033 Contract Pharmacy Services: Pharmacy Services to Ingham County Jail 10-034 Westlaw Electronic Law Library: Access for Various County Departments, Office and Courts 10-060 MMRMA: Purchase Digital In-car Cameras for Sheriff's Department 10-061 Amend Current Delhi Township Police Services Agreement 10-062 Westaff: CCAB Staff Consultant Services 10-063 MDOC: Extend Contract for Rent of 190 Beds at the Jail 10-064 MCOLES: Active Violence Incident Training Grant 10-065 Accept Bequest of $10,000 for the Animal Care Fund 10-066 Honoring Retired Deputy Dorian Davis 10-067 Adopt Ordinance Amending Animal Control Ordinance to Delete Provision Prohibiting Barking Dogs 10-068 Approve Settlement Agreement Regarding Infinity Networks, Inc. (Local and Long Distance Service for Inmate and Public Pay Telephones 10-078 Imagesoft: Amend Purchase of Imaging Application for Prosecutors Office 10-079 Project for Wireless Communication System ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 21 22 ›