Viewing 911- Emergency Operations Articles 07-229 TUSA Consulting Services: 911 Radio Communication System Consulting Services 07-232 M/A-Com, Inc: Infrastructure Maintenance of Public Safety Radio System 07-337 Authorize Contract with Lansing for New Uninterrupted Power Supply for 911 Center 07-338 Public Safety Radio System Cost Participation Policy 07-341 Expenditure of 911 Funds to Build an Antenna in Southwest Section of Ingham County 06-024 Adopt the Ingham County Hazard Mitigation Plan 06-039 Amendment: Plante & Moran for 911 Center Consolidation Consultant Services 06-147 Authorize Contract with East Lansing for New Trunked Logging Recorder 06-215 Assign 911 Advisory Committee to Review Plante & Moran Study 06-338 Lansing and East Lansing : Amend 911 Agreements 06-339 Authorize Contract with East Lansing for Trunked Logging Recorder for 911 Center 06-340 Adams Electronics: Zetron Station Alerting System 05-172 Authorize Contract for 911 Center Consolidation Consultant Services 05-201 File a Notice of Intent to Function as a PSAP within Clinton County 911 Service District. 05-354 Amending the 911 Emergency Telephone Dispatch Services Fund Allocation Policy 05-359 2004 & 2005 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program 03-063 M/A COM, Inc.: Wireless Voice Communications System 03-242 Authorize Contract with NIESA for Emergency Dispatch Center Communications Services 03-243 Authorize Appropriation for Obtaining Frequencies for the Radio Communications System 03-258 Contract with Lansing for CAD Phase II Wireless Interface Project 03-262 Dave Scutt to 911 Advisory Committee 03-308 Mi Dept of State Police: 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program 03-309 MI Dept of State Police: 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program Exercise Grant 03-324 M/A-Com, Inc: Final Design for Wireless Voice Communication System ‹ 1 2 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ›