Viewing 911- Emergency Operations Articles 12-117 To Authorize the Formation of a New Ingham County 911 Advisory Committee 12-148 Authorizing an Interoperability Communication Project for the Ingham County Public Safety Wireless Voice Communication System 12-149 Submitting to a Vote of the Electorate a Special Millage for Continuing Comprehensive Emergency Telephone Services (911 Services) 12-164 Authorizing an interim Ingham County 911 Central Dispatch Center Budget 12-184 Adopting the Ingham County 911 Service Plan 12-295 To Enter into a Contract with Westshore Services for Outdoor Warning Sirens Utilizing the FY 2012 Homeland Security Grant Program Funds 12-296 Authorizing a Battery Replacement Project for the Public Safety Wireless Voice Communication System 12-299 Approve Entering into a 12-month agreement with ACD.NET for the Purchase of a Backup Network Circuit for the 911 Phone System 12-317 Authorizing the Lansing/Ingham Cert Program to Accept Donations from Organizations, Groups and Individuals to Support Emergency Preparedness and Response 12-343 Authorizing the Filing of the Notice of Intent to Function as a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) In Accordance with the Ingham County 911 Service Plan 12-357 To Approve The 911 Legacy Cost Partial Reimbursement Agreements Between Ingham County, Meridian Township And Michigan State University 12-417 Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters Local 580 - 911 Supervisors 12-418 Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired Teamsters Local 580 - 911 Supervisors 12-419 Authorizing the Establishment of Teamsters Local 580 - 911 Supervisor as a Division within the MERS Defined Benefit Pension Plan 12-420 Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the FOP - 911 Non-Supervisory 12-421 Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired FOP - 911 Non-Supervisory 12-422 Authorizing the Establishment of FOP - 911 Non-Supervisors (Former City of Lansing Employees) As a Division within the MERS Defined Benefit Pension Plan 12-423 Authorizing the Establishment of FOP - 911 Non-Supervisors (Former City of East Lansing Employees) as a Division within the MERS Defined Benefit Pension Plan 12-437 To Establish Special Part Time on Call 911 Central Dispatch Center Background Investigators Positions 12-440 Authorizing a Notice of Intent for the Ingham County 911 Central Dispatch Center to Serve as Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) within the areas in the Clinton County 911 Service District Covered by Act 425 Agreements by Local Units of Government 11-030 Authorizing a Contract with Visionair for a New Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) for the Lansing 911 Center and to Upgrade both 911 Centers Manual Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD Programs 11-082 Authorizing a Contract Extension Agreement with the Michigan Association of Police 11-125 Authorizing a Contract with Van Belkum for a New NICE 911 Recorder System for the Ingham County 911 Centers 11-126 Authorizing Entering into a Contract with the City of Lansing for the Public Safety Interoperable Communication (PSIC) Grant Program to Enhance the Ingham County Public Safety Radio Communications System 11-135 Establishing Priorities to Guide the Development of the 2012 Budget and Activities of County Staff 11-141 Approving Final Design Plans and Authorizing the Ingham County Building Authority to Proceed With Bid Documents for the Ingham County Consolidated 911 Dispatch Center Project 11-239 Authorizing a Revised Project Design for the Consolidated 911 Dispatch Center 11-266 Authorize Entering into an Agreement with Advanced Wireless Telecom to Purchase a new 911 Phone System with Eaton, Clinton and Livingston County 11-289 Approve the renewal of the Annual Maintenance for FX Services Software Maintenance for the Ingham County EDACS Radio System from the Harris Corporation 11-290 Approve Entering into a 3-Year agreement with AT&T for the Purchase of Two T-1 Circuits from The Ingham County Data Center to the City of Lansing 911 PSAP ‹ 1 2 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ›