Viewing Employee Contracts Articles 14-512 Resolution To Create The New Classification Of Veterans Support Specialist And To Authorize The Reclassification Of A Veterans Clerk/Trust Fund Agent To A Veterans Support Specialist In The Department Of Ingham County Veteran Affairs 14-521 Resolution Approving A United Auto Workers Letter Of Understanding With Regard To On-Call Animal Control Employees 14-531 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The UAW Local 2256 - Technical Office, Para-Professional And Service Employees 14-532 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Office And Professional Employees International - Circuit Court/Family Division Professional Employees 14-533 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement 2015 Wage Reopener With Local 512 Office And Professional Employees International Union - Technical Clerical Unit 14-534 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association - Professional Employees 14-535 Resolution Approving A Letter Of Understanding With The Fraternal Order Of Police, Capital City Lodge No. 141 - 911 Non-Supervisory Unit Regarding Shift Schedule And On-Call For 911 Center Employees 14-536 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association - Public Health Nurses 14-537 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association - Assistant Prosecuting Attorney's Division 14-538 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement 2015 Wage Reopener With American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees AFL-CIO, Council 25 13-004 Changing the Non-Judicial County-Wide Elected Officials Contribution to MERS Retirement 13-074 Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the UAW Local 2256 - Technical, Office, Para-Professional and Service Employees 13-075 Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired Employees Under the UAW Local 2256 - Technical, Office, Para-Professional and Service Employees 13-092 Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police Capitol City Lodge No. 141 - Corrections Unit 13-093 Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired Employees Under the Fraternal Order of Police Capitol City Lodge No. 141 - Corrections Unit 13-094 Resolution Authorizing a Transfer of Funds and Authorization for the Potter Park Zoological Society to Provide the Management of Seasonal Workers 13-122 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association - Professional Employees 13-123 Resolution Authorizing The Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan For Newly Hired Employees Under The Ingham County Employees' Association - Professional Employees 13-124 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association -Public Health Nurses 13-125 Resolution Authorizing The Establishment Of A MERS Hybrid Plan For Newly Hired Employees Under The Ingham County Employees' Association - Public Health Nurses 13-126 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Office And Professional Employees International - Circuit Court/Family Division Professional Employees 13-127 Resolution Authorizing The Establishment Of A MERS Hybrid Plan For Newly Hired Employees Under The Office And Professional Employees International - Circuit Court/Family Division Professional Employees 13-128 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Fraternal Order Of Police, Capital City Lodge No. 141 - Animal Control Officers, License Enforcement Officers, Animal Shelter Operators And Field Supervisory Officer Unit 13-129 Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired Employees Under the Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City Lodge No. 141 - Animal Control Officers, License Enforcement Officers, Animal Shelter Operators And Field Supervisory Officer 13-130 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Ingham County Employees' Association - Assistant Prosecuting Attorney's Division 13-131 Resolution Authorizing The Establishment Of A Mers Hybrid Plan For Newly Hired Employees Under The Ingham County Employees' Association - Assistant Prosecuting Attorney's Division 13-132 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Teamsters Local 580 - 911 Supervisors 13-133 Resolution Approving A Collective Bargaining Agreement With The Fraternal Order Of Police, Capital City Lodge No. 141 - 911 Non-Supervisory 13-145 Resolution Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 580 - Potter Park Zoo Supervisory Unit 13-146 Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a MERS Hybrid Plan for Newly Hired Employees Under the Teamsters Local 580 - Potter Park Zoo Supervisory Unit ‹ 1 2 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ›