Viewing Employee Contracts Articles 11-209 Certifying Representatives for the MERS Annual Meeting 11-236 Re-Establish the Position of Health Officer within the Health Department 11-263 Authorize a Part-Time Veterinary Position for the purpose of Addressing the Veterinary Care and Spay and Neuter of Shelter Animals at the Animal Control Department 11-320 Establish the position of Ingham County 911 Central Dispatch Director within the Controller's Office 11-329 Ingham County 2012 General Appropriations resolution 11-332 Authorize service contracts with Licensed Dentists for 2012 11-337 To re-establish the position of Medical Director within the Health Department 11-346 Authorizing a Contract Amendment with the Potter Park Zoological Society to Appoint Sherrie Graham As the interim Zoo Director 11-381 Authorizing a Contract with Adjuvant Expos, Inc. to Provide Managerial Services at the Ingham County Fairgrounds 10-011 Authorize Modifications to Managerial/Confidential Personnel Manual for 2010 and 2011 10-017 Encourage Employee Voluntary Time Off without Pay 10-052 Establish Two Positions in Support of HIV Prevention Activities 10-071 Authorize Collective Bargaining Agreement, MNA: Nurse Practitioners/Clinic Nurses 10-106 Authorize Establishment of the Position of Investigator in the Managerial and Confidential Employee Group 10-107 Approve Agreement with the ICEA Professional Court Employees 10-109 Authorize the Jail Alternative Sentencing Program Budget 10-124 Authorize the Transfer of Funds from the Treasurer's Office and to Authorize a Temporary Employee 10-126 Conversion of Vacant MIS Deputy Director Position to Application Developer/Business Analyst 10-160 Authorize Sparrow Occupational Health as County's Occupational Health Services Provider 10-166 Authorize Realignment of Health Department Programs and Administrative Structure 10-203 MERS: Correct Existing MERS Plan for Zoo Employees Transferred from the City of Lansing. 10-204 MERS: Adopt Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Michigan Defined Benefit Programs 10-205 MERS: Adopt Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Michigan Defined Benefit Programs 10-224 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the ICEA Assistant Prosecuting Attorney 10-225 Approving Letter of Understanding with the ICEA Park Rangers. 10-251 Letter of Understanding with the Fraternal Order of Police Correction Officers 10-252 Letter of Understanding with the Fraternal Order of Police Animal Control Officers 10-253 UAW Zoo Unit: Collective Bargaining Agreement 10-269 Authorize Intergovernmental Transfer of Ingham County Funds to Support DSH Payments to Ingham Regional Medical Center & Sparrow Health Systems 10-292 Authorizing Modification to the Vacation Provision of the Managerial/Confidential Personnel Manual for 2010 and 2011 ‹ 1 2 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ›