Viewing Policies Articles 12-074 Adopt a Financial Depository Resolution for the County of Ingham 12-096 To amend the Ingham County Public Safety Radio System Cost Participation Policy 12-157 Amending Board of Commissioners Resolution #02-285 limiting the Parks Low Income Vehicle Entrance Fee Policy to Ingham County and City of Lansing residents only 12-205 Delegating the Issuance of Driveway Permits to Staff of the Department of Transportation and Roads 12-440 Authorizing a Notice of Intent for the Ingham County 911 Central Dispatch Center to Serve as Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) within the areas in the Clinton County 911 Service District Covered by Act 425 Agreements by Local Units of Government 11-038 Establishing a Policy Regarding Litigation Between Ingham County Entities 11-073 Authorize Calling on the State of Michigan to Preserve the State Earned Income Tax Credit 11-083 Authorizing Calling on the State of Michigan to Add Public Libraries to its Gun Free Zones 11-108 Authorizing a Resolution in Opposition to House Bill 4287 and Senate Bill 165, that would Prohibit Local Units of Government from Entering into Project Labor Agreements 11-131 Establishing Policy and Priorities for the Use of Farmland and Open Space Preservation Funds and to Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Ingham County Farmland Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance 11-135 Establishing Priorities to Guide the Development of the 2012 Budget and Activities of County Staff 11-194 Support of the Draft Clean Water Guidance Issue by the Environmental Protection Agency and Corps of Engineers 11-228 To Authorize an Amendment to the Memorandum of understanding for the "Early On" Program 11-245 Amend Resolution #05-295 which delegates certain Authority to the Ingham County Parks And Recreation Commission 11-272 Rescind Resolution #08-061 and Re-Establish a Policy and Guidelines for use of County Facilities And Solicitation on County Property 11-309 To authorize Signers of Forms 855A and 855B 10-046 Approve 2010 Amendment to the Brownfield Redevelopment Plan for Parcels in Lansing City Only 10-181 Authorize a Fair Adult Refreshment Tent 10-301 Extend the Hiring Freeze for all Ingham County Positions 10-327 Revising the Existing Travel, Vehicle and Employees Reimbursement Policy 10-357 Adopt a Policy on Cost Increases for Services Related Contracts in Ingham County 10-359 Amending the Ingham County Local Purchasing Preference Policy 09-011 Set Policy for Certain Delinquent Tax Payments 09-025 Adopt Updated Emergency Operations Plan and Hazard Analysis 09-057 Establish Budget Calendar for 2010 09-080 Revised Travel, Vehicle and Employee Reimbursement Policy 09-095 Amend Resolution #02-178 by Reducing the Maximum Amount Allowed for Short Form Authorization 09-112 Use of Electronic Devices, Computers and Open Flames in County Facilities 09-254 Approve Implementation of a Supplemental Internal Job Posting Process 09-294 Amending the Living Wage Policy Resolution #03-248 ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ›