Viewing Prosecuting Attorney Articles 13-024 Create Special Part-Time Positions of a SSSPP Coordinator and SSSPP Assistant Prosecuting Attorney 13-194 Resolution Authorizing The Expansion Of The Voting Membership Of The Electronic Monitoring Oversight Committee To Consist Of Department And Elected Official Representatives Including The Prosecuting Attorney's Office And Friend Of The Court 13-288 Resolution To Authorize A Juvenile Accountability Grant From The Capital Region Community Foundation And Subcontract With The Resolution Services Center Of Central Michigan 13-390 Resolution To Accept Fy 2014 Swift And Sure Sanctions Probation Program (SSSPP) Grant Funds; Continue The Grant Funded Special Part-Time Position Of A SSSPP Assistant Prosecuting Attorney; And Create A Grant Funded Three-Quarter Time Ssspp Case Management Coordinator Position For Fy 2013-2014 12-165 Authorizing a Contract with Imagesoft Corporation for the Scanning Project for the Prosecutor's Office 12-294 To authorize a Juvenile Accountability Grant from the Capital Region Community Foundation and Subcontract with the Resolution Services Corporation of Central Michigan 12-313 Authorizing a Contract with State of Michigan, Department of Community Health, Crime Victim Services Commission for Crime Victim Rights Funding 12-314 Authorizing a Cntract with State of Michigan, Department of Community Health, Crime Victim Services Commission for Continuation of its Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) program 12-403 To Authorize Three Year Contracts for Westlaw Electronic Law Library Access for Various Ingham County Departments, Offices and Courts 11-055 Authorize a Juvenile Account Ability Block Grant program award from the Michigan Department Of Human Services and Sub-contract with the Dispute Resolution Center of Central Michigan 11-068 Authorizing Implement the Evaluation of the 2009 Prosecuting Attorney's Office Phased Reorganization 11-101 Authorizing an Agreement with the Community Mental Health Authority of Clinton, Eaton, & Ingham Counties for Services in the Ingham County Jail 11-123 Authorize a Grant Subcontract between the City of Lansing and Ingham County Prosecuting Attorneys Office for the Training and Prosecution of Elder Abuse 11-134 Authorizing Adjustments to the 2011 Ingham County Budget 11-172 Authorizing Approvals for Reimbursement Requests and Contract Submissions within the Electronic Grant Administration Management System (EGrAMS) by the Friend of the Court and Prosecuting Attorney 11-265 Authorizing a Contract with Visionair for the Ingham County Sheriff's Office Visionmobile Police Work Technology Station Software project module on the New Visionair Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System 11-293 Authorizing a Contract with State of Michigan, Department of Community Health, Crime Victim Services Commission for Crime Victim Rights Funding 11-294 Authorizing a Contract with State of Michigan, Department of Community Health, Crime Victim Services Commission for Continuation of its Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Program 11-300 Authorizing adjustments to the 2011 Ingham County Budget 11-329 Ingham County 2012 General Appropriations resolution 10-034 Westlaw Electronic Law Library: Access for Various County Departments, Office and Courts 10-078 Imagesoft: Amend Purchase of Imaging Application for Prosecutors Office 10-098 Luminosity Solutions: Review of Ingham County Criminal Justice System 10-144 MI Department of Human Services to Authorize a Juvenile Accountability Block 10-280 Imagesoft Corporation: Imaging Project & a Reorganization within Prosecutor's Office 10-280 10-337 Grant from the U.S. Justice Department for a Domestic Assault Response Team Program and to Authorize Subcontracts with Agency Partners 10-392 Authorizing an Appropriation from the 2010 County Contingency Fund for Legal Representation in the Case of Ingham County Prosecutor v. 30th Circuit Court Judge Court of Appeals no. 301037 09-012 Approving Annual 2009 and 2010 Compensation for Non-Judicial County-wide Elected Officials 09-034 Accept Prosecuting Attorney Title IV-E Reimbursement Grant 09-055 Approving 2011 Compensation for Non-Judicial County-Wide Elected Officials ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ›