Viewing Treasurer Articles 09-132 Provide United Way 211 with Funding for Tax Foreclosure Prevention Efforts 09-133 Provide Legal Services of South Central Michigan with Funding for Tax and Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention 09-134 Provide Greater Lansing Housing Coalition (GLHC) with Additional Funding For Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention 09-135 Provide Land Bank Fast Track Authority with Capacity Building Funding 09-173 Updating Various Fees for County Services 09-183 Utilize County's Option to Acquire Tax Foreclosed Property 09-219 Amendment Agreement with Lansing Charter Township (Replace Current Detailed Project List with New Detailed Project List) 09-224 Utilize County's Option to Acquire Tax Foreclosed Property 09-227 Authorize Adjustments to 2009 Budget 09-266 Lamont Title: Conducting Title Searches for Treasurer's Office 09-324 Transfer Unsold Tax Reverted Properties Rejected by Local Units to the Authority 09-326 Allen Neighborhood Center: Foreclosure Prevention Funding 09-335 Authorize Adjustments to the 2009 Budget 09-359 Designate "Recovery Zone: for Recovery Zone Facility Bonds and Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds 09-362 2010 General Appropriations Resolution 09-376 Morley Companies: Auditing Principal Residence Exemptions 09-416 Authorize Additional Tax Foreclosure Coordinator Position 09-419 Authorize Adjustments to 2009 Budget and Make Year end Budget Adjustments 08-002 Authorize Treasurer to Purchase HUD Foreclosed Property for deposit into Fast Track Authority Inventory 08-003 Provide Additional Funding for Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention 08-080 Authorize the 2008 Administrative Fund 08-081 2008 Borrowing Resolution 08-082 Authorize Public Employee Health Care Fund 08-083 Alter or Extend the Fixed Separate Tax Limitation and Create County Advisory Committee 08-126 Freedom Title Insurance Agency & Abstract Co: Conducting Title Searches 08-127 Authorize Temporary Foreclosure Prevention Assistant 08-128 Authorize Adjustments to 2008 Budget 08-143 Advisory Tax Limitation Committee: Bruce Bragg 08-145 Update Various Fees for County Services 08-146 Authorize Transfer of Funds from the State Liquor Tax ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ›